Join the MY-T Society Waitlist

Ready to get organized and work smarter with systems?

If you are a coach or consultant who operates as a team of one or you’re looking to add a plus one to your team but you're currently running your business by the seat of your pants, then you need to be inside this membership!

Cookie cutter information hasn't helped you and you're tired of being the bottleneck that blocks your success. It’s time to get support from a living and breathing person IRL to tidy up the back end of your business.

Here's a little about what you get inside:

  • LIVE masterclasses and round table discussions that focus on a specific theme to SPARC inspiration and keep things fresh.
  • Short training videos to help you learn how to use technology as you create your business systems.
  • If you’re a hands-on learner or just love to write it out, there are a variety of worksheets that can be used along with the step-by-step videos.
  • Implementation days so you can take everything you learned and take action on it.
  • A private community of women entrepreneurs that you can lean on for all the connections, referrals, and networking your heart desires.
  • And more!

Enter your information below for exclusive behind the scenes updates and a very special gift for adding your name to the list!

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